Licensing, Trademarking and photography

Vulcan Park and Museum takes great pride in the newly reconstructed Vulcan Park and Museum and Vulcan Statue and its preservation as an important icon of the city of Birmingham. If you wish to use the likeness (photo, sketch, drawing, etc.) of Vulcan or the word “Vulcan,” please complete the form below to apply for a license. Photography and filming of Vulcan Park and Museum for media purposes is permissible with advance notice.


Frequently asked questions pertaining to Vulcan and Vulcan Park and Museum’s Licensing, Trademark and photography guidelines.

Is the image of the statue and the word "Vulcan" registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office?

Yes! Vulcan Park and Museum is the owner of all intellectual property pertaining to the Vulcan Statue likeness.

Who is the owner of all intellectual property pertaining to the Vulcan Statue Likeness?

Vulcan Park and Museum is the owner of ALL intellectual property pertaining to the Vulcan Statue likeness. Vulcan Park and Museum takes great pride in the newly reconstructed Vulcan Park and Museum and Vulcan Statue and its preservation as an important icon of the city of Birmingham.

Can I still use the likeness of Vulcan or the word "Vulcan"?

If you wish to use the likeness (photo, sketch, drawing, etc.) of Vulcan or the word “Vulcan” you must contact our Marketing/Public Relations department and obtain a license for use of the Vulcan Statue likeness and/or use of the Vulcan® trademark prior to sending out any advertising and/or utilizing Vulcan icons in association with your business or organization.

What uses of Vulcan's likeness and the word "Vulcan" requires a license?

Uses that require you to obtain a license include (but not limited to) commercials, advertisements, websites, presentations, brochures, flyers, and merchandise items where you wish to use Vulcan Statue likeness, photo, sketch or drawing.Photos on this website are copyrighted and may NOT be downloaded or used without written permission from Vulcan Park and Museum.

What are the photography and filming guidelines?

Vulcan Park and Museum permits photography or filming for commercial purposes, although additional fees and/or licenses may apply. To ensure a pleasant and safe experience for all visitors, remote control, unmanned aerial vehicles on or over Vulcan Park and Museum property are not allowed.

Arrangements for commercial filming or photography must be made through the Director of Marketing & Public Relations.

Licensing/Trademark Request